Fanuc Part Numbers
Finding Fanuc Part Numbers
CNC Electronics Inc rebuilt this resource to help you find (locate and identify) Fanuc part numbers. As Fanuc specialists, at times we have struggled to find part number or order codes on many of Fanuc parts over the years. Hence we have broke down where to look and what to look for.
There are a couple of matters to address with Fanuc part numbers first.
- All Fanuc part numbers for electronics and motors have at least a 12 digit part number in all cases.
- Sometimes such as PCB’s, drives, motors, batteries, membranes they have suffix numbers after a ‘#’ or ‘/’ which in some cases refer to revisions, software versions, different physical characteristics, connector type and much more. In some cases the suffix means little in most instances its very important. (We can help).
- Most electronics, motors and parts part number start with the letter A followed by two numerical digits then a 2nd letter; in a format similar to AxxX-xxxx-Xxxx; with the little x being numerals and the larger X being a letter such as B, C, H, L
This list is a breakdown via Fanuc Part number codes of the parts that CNC can offer services on, including drives, control pcbs, units and much more. The ‘#’ represents variance for the digit for the part number at that specified location. Fanuc has many catalogues – that it uses for different reasons. There is also the official Fanuc ‘#’ sign which signifies software, pcb revisions or in the case of motors a whole host of variance
- A02B-0###-B### Fanuc Control Systems & Complete CNC.
- A02B-0###-C### Fanuc MDI unit, MDI/CRT, LCD/MDI, Operator Pqnel.
A03B-080#-C### Fanuc I/O modules full size and half size.
A06B-####-B### Fanuc Motors
- A06B-6###-H### Fanuc Drives
- A06B-6070-H### onwards Fanuc Alpha Module, SVM, SVU, PSM, SPM
- A06B-6110-H### onwards Fanuc aiPS, aiSV, aiSP, biSV, biSVSP
- A06B-6200-Hxxx onwards Fanuc Servo Module
- A13B-0###-#### Fanuc Tapereaders
- A13B-01##-C### Fanuc PDP (Standalone).
A14B-####-#### Fanuc Power Supply Units and Input Power Units
- A16B-####-#### Fanuc control, drive boards and PSU.
- A20B-####-#### Fanuc Drive, System and Power supply pcbs
A50L-0001-0### Fanuc Transistor Modules.
A60L-0001-0### Fanuc Fuse
- A61L-0001-00## Fanuc Monitors
- A63L-0001-0### Fanuc Connectors, and Sockets
- A80L-0001-0### Fanuc Transformers
- A86L-0001-0### Fanuc Keyboards and Soft-key
- A86L-002#-000# Fanuc / Kuroda / Sumtek
- A87L-0001-0### Fanuc Memory
- A98L-0001-0### Fanuc Membranes
- A98L-0005-0### Fanuc Membranes
A98L-0001-09## Fanuc Batteries
A98L-0031-0### Fanuc Batteries
A290-05##-V### Fanuc encoder by internal fanuc number
A350-####-#### Fanuc PCB fabrication number.
A860-0###-T### Fanuc Encoders
A860-0###-T### Fanuc Tapereaders
N860-####-#### Fanuc Keyboards
If anything you have read above for finding Fanuc part numbers does not make sense please contact us for clarification or to notify us. You may also be interested in visiting our Fanuc Alarm Codes page.