Welcome to CNC’s Fanuc biSVSP alarms page! We repair, test and supply exchange biSVSP units. Call us on +1-434-971-1394 if you need help.
Fanuc BETA i series SVPM or SVSP amplifier units with either dual or triple channel servo’s with spindle amp built into one unit.
As can be seen from the photo’s the biSVSP or bi SVPM have two seperate displays listed as status 1 and status 2. Individually or together they will lite with a alphanumerical digit indicating an alarm condition on the unit or with the CNC, motors or auxillary inputs/outputs.
This Fanuc biSVSP alarms page only covers the A06B-6134 and A06B-6164 series of BETA i amplifier units.

ALARMS listed in STATUS1 relate too: Spindle Amplifier, Power Supply or Entire Unit
Status1 Alarm Code | Fanuc biSVSP Alarms Description |
01 | Motor termpreture (internal) is higher than the specified. |
02 | Actual motor speed is deviated from inputted speed. |
04 | Input power supply is abnormal (open phase). |
06 | Temperature sensor is abnormal or broken sensor cable. |
09 | Abnormally high termpreture of heatsink detected. |
11 | Main circuit the DC voltage at DC Link is abnormally high. |
12 | Excessive current or over current flowed into the main circuit. |
19 & 20 | Excessively hight offset voltage detected: phase U or phase V. |
24 | Serial communication data error. Check cable and CNC is turned on. |
27 | The signal of the a position coder is disconnected. |
30 | The main circuit power module (IPM) has detected an abnormal condition. |
31 | The motor failed to rotate as specified. |
41 | One rotation signal of the α position coder is generated is incorrect. |
42 | One rotation signal of the α position coder is not generated. |
73 | The signal of the motor sensor is disconnected. |
84 | The spindle sensor signal was disconnected. |
ALARMS listed in STATUS2 relate too: Power Supply & Servo Amplifier Channels
Status2 Alarm Code | Fanuc biSVSP Alarms Description |
1 | Internal cooling fan stopped |
2 | Control power supply under voltage |
5 | DC link under voltage |
6 | Overheat |
F | Cooling fan stopped |
8. | IPM alarm (L axis) |
9. | IPM alarm (M axis) |
A. | IPM alarm (N axis) |
8. | IPM alarm (OH) (L axis) |
9. | IPM alarm (OH) (M axis) |
A. | IPM alarm (OH) (N axis) |
b | Motor current alarm (L-axis) |
c | Motor current alarm (M-axis) |
d | Motor current alarm (N-axis) |
U | FSSB communication error (COP10B) |
Further combination alarms occur where both STATUS1 and STATUS2 have alphernumeric charachers.
Notably Alarm 51 (status1) and Alarm 4 (status2). Signifying an internal fault with the biSVSP unit. Contact us to discuss options on service exchange units, testing and repair if time is not critical.