Fanuc Alarm Code 1 (PSM only)
Alarm 1 on Fanuc power supply modules.
Any Fanuc power supply module (ALPHA) that has ALARM 1 displayed indicates an overcurrent or overload has occurred in the main circuit. Alarm displays as 01.
This alarm can accompany an Alarm 30 on the spindle amplifier module. Note the AL.30 on the SPM is reacting to the AL.1 on the power supply module being the principle alarm.

Potential causes of the AL.1 too investigate:
- Cooling Fan Failure
- Dust Buildup
- Overload
- Input supply voltage imbalance
- The specification of the AC reactor does not match the PSM in use.
- IGBT / IPM failure or control supply voltage decrease of the power module.
We can test most ALPHA and ai power supply modules, and models of AC spindle motors at our location in Charlottesville, VA. We also supply ALPHA drives, motors and system axis cards.
We can usually recommend using the services of a trained CNC service engineer whom has the electronic and mechanical training, experience and knowledge to deal with the Fanuc side of your machine tool.
The alarm above covers ALPHA power supply module series 6077, 6081, 6087, 6091.
If you want us to check out your AL.01 on your Fanuc power supply call us on +1-434-971-1394; or use our live chat system; or the contact forms throughout the website.