A06B-6140-H011 ¦ aiPS-11 Power Module
Fanuc A06B-6140-H011 servo drive services available at CNC. CNC offer testing and repair of this ALPHA i generation Fanuc power supply module aiPS-11. Fitted with different combinations of ALPHA i spindle modules and servo amplifier drives.
Repair and testing facilities are offered for Fanuc A06B6140H011 FSSB servo amplifiers, including closed loop with Fanuc 16i, 18i, 0i-C system and Fanuc ALPHA i series drives and motors. Occasionally CNC may have surplus to exchange requirement stock available, though normally only exchange stock is available for most of the Fanuc ai drive series amps.
Fanuc have released this later aiPS-11 as part of a new version of PSM’s from both 200VAC and 400VAC stables. In this instance the PSM-11i coincide with the new spindle amplifier modules 614x/615x release. Pleae note we only supply this drive for the exact exchange return.
CNC offer a warranty on all ALPHA A06B-6140-H011 drives supplied either exchange or if they have been repaired at CNC’s facilities.