Fanuc Exchange
Fanuc Exchange
Take advantage of CNC Electronics Inc Fanuc exchange program to save money on OEM and other supplier options; resulting in getting your machine tool up and running quick.
Its the fastest means of getting your machine tool back up and running at the lowest cost. Also deleting the need for costly attempts at problem solving Fanuc CNC related issues. We currently offer exchange on the vast majority of parts we list in both our printed Pricelist and this website.

Order an OEM Fanuc part as exchange and same time and money!
Saving upto 80% less OEM.
Parts that we offer on a Fanuc exchange basis include:
- System Parts such as master pcbs, graphics, memory boards, I/O cards
- Drives, AC axis, servo and spindle units.
- ALPHA servo and spindle amplifiers and power supply modules and units.
- BETA servo units and combined spindle/servo units.
- Motors from AC, DC, ALPHA, BETA servo and spindle models.
- Encoders from yellow cap through to ALPHA i pulse coders.
- Keyboards for operator and CRT/MDI
- Monochrome monitors (9 inch) refubished and fitted with new CRT tube.
- Power supply units from CNC controls.
Our Fanuc exchange program can significantly reduce costs; while also allowing for the lowest time for you too get a working, tested replacement part for you machine tool usually shipped to most parts of the USA and Canada with 24 hours. Thats why CNC offer Fanuc exchange.
These parts are normally found on various machine tools range from lathes and machining centers to punchers, grinders, wire eroders, and much more.
If you wish to order a Fanuc exchange. Please call us and we can advise. The basic premise is that we charge you for the exchange part with an additional deposit taken. Deposit is refunded on receipt of a faulty; complete economically repairable and non interfered with identical part.
Parts that would not be considered exchangeable would be burnt PCB’s, snapped shafts on motors or any physical damage or alteration for any reason. We expect and strictly adhere to you wanting a part in very good condition and under exchange terms that we should receive a part back in like for like condition. If you are unsure then the alternative is to ship your part for upfront exchange inspection! If parts are not acceptable under the exchange program then we maybe able to offer Fanuc repairs on a quick turnaround basis. Contact us on +1 434-971-1394 for more information.
All of the Fanuc exchange parts we ship carry a 12 month warranty from date of shipping.